What is 404 HTTP | How To Redirect To Home Or Any URL

What is HTTP 404?

A website redirects to an HTTP 404 page when a web page has been visited and that is not available on the website.

Redirect the 404-page to URL

If you want to redirect the 404 page to a home page or any page on web site it is easy, You can do it with the script easily.

404 HTTP custom page for a blogger

  • visit Blogger
  • Log in with your google account
  • Select the blog if you have more than one
  • Go to settings
  • section Errors and redirects
  • Click Custom 404
  • Copy code from below Code Box
  • Paste code into custom 404 in blogger code box and save it.


How to Redirect the 404 Error to URL?

To redirect the 404 page to your blog home page or any one of your site page kindly copy code from below code-box and past it in custom 404 section in blogger setting as done above.
If you want to redirect to home page then just page below code code as in below code box, if you want to redirect to specific address on your blog then make the changes below
Just reblace the "/" with your site page address after domain like below

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